Videos and talks

Videos and talks

A collection of videos about different spiritual movements and teachers mentioned in the wiki.

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Last Update 07/06/2024
Completion Time 3 hours 53 minutes
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Videos and talks
Interview of Jean E. Charon and Jacques Bergier in French

Jean CHARON, interviewé par Louis PAUWELS, parle de sa "théorie unitaire de l'univers", de la réalité qui est derrière les apparences , des différentes recherches pour aboutir à cette théorie. Jacques BERGIER intervient pour montrer les applications pratiques de l'anti gravitation, entre autres dans les voyages inter planétaires. Jean CHARON évoque la possibilité de se rendre sur des planètes éloignées, en évaluant le temps par rapport à la vitesse de la lumière. Il émet un certain nombre d'hypothèses et suggère une expérience. Jean CHARON parle de sa formation et de sa passion pour cette recherche.

Videos and talks
Interview of Dr. David Suzuki with Dr. David Bohm, physicist, colleague of Dr. Albert Einstein

INSTAGRAM: YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBE: Listen to my guitar albums on - Spotify: - Apple Music: Also see my documentary on EMF-scandal: Also see: , , (add me) Also visit my old channel: The above Dr. Bohm / David Suzuki (1979) interview shared by Reza Ganjavi ( for educational, non-commercial purpose only. This is a great interview with Dr. David Bohm, the great physicist and colleague of Albert Einstein & Jiddu Krishnamurti. The interview is conducted by the great Canadian David Suzuki, geneticist, science journalist and environmental activist. His comment about memory being recorded in the brain is challenged today by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake (a friend of his) who exposed this myth of science in his book Science Set Free. Nevertheless Dr. Bohm makes many brilliant points in this excellent video.