Psychic forces according Charon
Charon identified four psychic forces or interactions that organize living forms into entities of increasing energy or order: reflection, knowledge, love, and action. All of this forces happen through the electrons inside the atoms. He discovered that electrons enclose a space and time unlike the one we have always been aware of.
And this enclosure has quite similar qualities as a black-hole or antimatter. As this other space-time is capable of memorizing everything by providing increasing negentropy Charon considers to call it "Space time of Spirit"[1]
In this electronic space-time, says Charon, there is an orderly memory of past events that goes on endlessly empowering and enriching us -- not only in that part of ourselves we call mind, but in every single part of our being, in the very electrons that combine to make us who and what we are. These particles, moreover, possess an eternal life through time, which means that each individual human spirit (what the Greek philosophers called soul) has been, is, and will be - for as long as the world exists.
Charon did describe this forces as interaction process with photon, but he remarks that they are not photons in the usual sense.
Levels of Psychic forces or interactions processes
Force | Reaction | Remark |
Reflection | The process of reflection (spin exchange between two photons in the inner space-time of an electron); the total spin of the electron remains unchanged. | Internal communication, constant negentropy |
Action | The electron causes a linear impulse exchange of its own photons with the photons of an external radiation[3]. | Communications at distance with our usual space-time of matter[2], constant negentropy |
Knowledge | In Knowledge, a photon from external space disappears while giving up its impulse energy and its spin to a photon in the electron's space [4] | Communications at distance with our usual space-time of matter, increase in negentropy |
Love | Exchange of spin between this electron's photons and the photons of a nearby electron. Increase in negentropy, Increase of the negentropy of both electrons at the same time. | Communications at distance with other electrons, increase in negentropy |
The Autor Michael König did add in his book "Das Urwort"[4] a fifth force, which he call Experience. Experience has similar qualities as Reflection. In the following section this additional force will be included to describe the communication pattern from a more spiritual viewpoint.
Experience | The process of experience (momentum exchange of an electron with a real photon); this leads to a new light pattern in the inner photon gas.[5] | Internal communication |
Psychic forces according OSL
Since Charon and König are both physicists, their point of view tends to consider matter as matter and makes little difference to which organism a particle or atom belongs to. But of course both of them wrote their mentioned books from a spiritual human view, and so it is somehow predefined, that these atoms are part of a human body, when they talk about the consciousness of the atoms. However, if we are able to get a feel for the life force that always surrounds us, sooner or later we have to differentiate between the circumstances under which a certain psychic force is active in order to fully understand the potential of these patterns.
The OSL article about Life-forces describes how different religions and philosophies interpreted these forces and expands those views with more modern approaches. According this understanding one can easy allocate the five psychic forces from Charon and König to life Life-forces from the neo-sufism or neo-platonism world. As those Life-forces are having a clear hierarchy, we can determine that for instance Reflection is connected to the world of matter, which includes all the world or spheres above. So reflection is possible in every particle that consist matter. It could be part of a stone, a plant or an animal or human body. The same is for Experience or Action, which are possible in the higher spheres but not in the lower. So action is only possible for humans or animals, but not for stones and plants. On the other hand it is possible, that for instance it is possible, that a psychic force can get activated in a lower one, when it is embedded in a higher one. For instance we as humans can train animals to do things which wouldn't be possible without the help of the psychic force Knowledge, so to speak we can lend some Knowledge to an animal, which than shows some sort of human like intelligence. But if you put this animal away from humans for a certain period, those capabilities will slowly disappears. When it comes to skills related to an animal's instincts, a shepherd dog will always have a natural understanding of how to manage sheep, as it is ingrained in their DNA. But those are not quite intellectual skills, they are trained over generations of dog breeding.
But unfortunately the process of influences over the levels is not only effective in one direction, the lower forces are part of human life and humans are strongly influenced by them. Therefore a basic understanding of the human nature and the forces that are putting pressure to ones behavior is a key issue to understand the crises that accompany human life. Of course, these tables and models can only approximately describe the complexity of these relationships, if at all. These relationships do not take place in the causal space-time order, but only interact with it, in a way Charon described it.
Dens. | According Neo Sufism (Life-forces) | According Charon / König | Possible influences |
1 | Sphere of the Creator | -- | |
2 | Sphere of the Messengers | -- | |
3 | True human sphere (eternal) | Love | |
4 | Normal human sphere | Knowledge | From below |
5 | Animal sphere | Action | to human |
6 | Vegetable sphere | Experience | to human |
7 | Material sphere | Reflection | to human |
This is not a flaw in the universal law of the universe, it is a requirement for the conscious human evolution, then if humans are not exposed from forces above and below there wouldn't be any thing as free will or the possibility to experience both worlds at the same time.
Why this matters for the human evolution
If ones remember the previous article the section human evolution, there has been mentioned that cultural evolution follows some chain of pattern along history, but also a path, witch requires consciousness, if a 'progress' towards our origin should happen.
It seems that as humanity reaches the end of the material or rational age, the possibility of human evolution diminishes, unless we pause to reflect on our true origins.
It's as if we have reached a visual dead-end on our unconscious evolutionary journey.
- Charon, The Spirit: That Stranger Inside Us (2005), p. 82
- Charon (2005), p. 177.
- Charon (2005), p. 183.
- Charon (2005), p. 184.
- König M., Das Urwort (2011), p. 58. (in German)
See also
- Genesis and Metaphysics (OSL Wiki)
- Patterns of Human Evolution (OSL Wiki)
- Interview with physicists David Bohm (Video Section)